Thursday, March 4, 2010

Network and Telecommunications

Telecommunications channels make use of a variety of telecommunications media. These include twisted-pair wire, coaxial cables, and fiber-optic cables, all of which physically link the devices in a network. In addition, there are infrared systems, which use infrared light to transmit and receive data.

Twisted-Pair Wire

ü Ordinary telephone wire

ü Copper wire is twisted into pairs

ü Cheap and easy to install

Coaxial Cable

ü Sturdy copper or aluminum wire wrapped with spacers to insulate and protect it

ü Commonly used in television cable

Fiber-Optic Cable

ü One or more hair-thin filaments of glass fiber wrapped in a protective jacket

ü Less susceptible to interference and more secure

Wireless telecommunications technologies rely on radio wave, microwave, infrared, and visible light pulses to transport digital communications without wires between communications devices. Wireless technologies include terrestrial microwave, communications satellites, cellular and PCS telephone and pager systems, mobile data radio, wireless LANs, and various wireless Internet technologies. Each technology utilizes specific ranges within the electromagnetic spectrum (in megahertz) of electromagnetic frequencies that are specified by national regulatory agencies to minimize interference and encourage efficient telecommunications.

Wireless access to the Internet, intranets, and extranets is growing as more Web-enabled information appliances proliferate. Smart telephones, pagers, PDAs, and other portable communications devices have become very thin clients in wireless networks. Agreement on a standard wireless application protocol (WAP) has encouraged the development of many wireless Web applications and services. The telecommunications industry continues to work on third generation (3G) wireless technologies whose goal is to raise wireless transmission speeds to enable streaming video and multimedia applications on mobile devices.

Figure above illustrates the wireless application protocol that is the foundation of wireless mobile Internet and Web applications. The WAP standard specifies how Web pages in HTML or XML are translated into a wireless markup language (WML) by filter software and preprocessed by proxy software to prepare the Web pages for wireless transmission from a Web server to a Web-enabled wireless device [16].

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Last time ago, traditional file is a traditional way storing data or information of an organization. In the traditional file processing approach that was used in business data processing many years, each business application was designed to use one or more specialized data files containing only specific types of data records. They keep all the hard copy in a file then allocate it based on category and keep it in the drawer. It needs a lot of human power, money, and time. For example, it wastes a lot of time to find out a file. This is also one of the reason why last time company cannot improve much and don’t have high performance in their work.

Using Tradisional File Processing System:

1) Data redundancy always occurs because the documentation done by different person.

2) It is difficult to detect the customer detail when the business becoming bigger.

3) Updating errors and occurs easily since all the paper work is done by human

4) Space of keeping the paper work becomes troublesome as it need a lot of place to keep the file.

5) Need to hire extra employee to keep track of the paper work.

6) Paper works are not environment friendly because it uses a lot of papers.

7) All the paper works are difficult to backup.

8) All data are not secure because they are keeping it manually, employee in the businerss can easily see the data, modify and even steal the customer’s data for crime purpose.

Database management systems are programs that are written to store, update, and search information from a database.Data warehouses are designed to store data that have been extracted from the various operational,external,and other databases of an organization. It is a central source of the data that have been cleaned,transformed,and cataloged so they can be used by managers and other business professionals for data mining,online analytical processing,and other forms of business analysis,market research,and decision support.

Database system is the way to solve the problem faced in traditional file processing;-

1) Reduced data redundancy, the database system will automatic detect the data that had been key in order to reduce data redundancy happened.

2) Customer’s detail becomes easy to track with the search function provide by the database system.

3) Reduced updating errors and increased consistency, by using database system, updating errors will be easily reduced and in another hand increased consistency.

4) Space of storing the documentation becomes smaller using database system. All the documentations are digitalized and store in a hard disk.

5) Using database system, the management of the restaurant does not need to hire extra staff to keep track of the restaurant’s documentation.

6) Database system can standardized the format of the report easily. Each department can generate the same format report for the executive staff to view.

7) Improved data security because the database system need certain password to access the restaurant database. It can just view by authorities people.

8) Besides, using database system can also reduced data entry, storage, and retrieval costs in the company.

9) The database can be used simultaneously by a number of users. Various users can retrieve the same data simultaneously. The data in the database can also be modified, based on the privileges assigned to users.

Friday, February 19, 2010


General-purpose application software

-software suite

-web browsers

-electronic mail

-word processing


-database managers

-presentation graphics

-personal information managers


Application Software

Function-specific application software

-business-accounting, transaction processing,

customer relationship management,

enterprise resource planning,

electronic commerce, etc.

- Science and engineering

- Education, entertainment, etc.

Application software includes general-purpose and function-specific application categories.

General-purpose application programs perform common information processing jobs for end users. Examples are word processing, electronic spreadsheet, and presentation graphic programs are popular with users for home, education, business, scientific, and many other purposes.Because they significantly increase the productivity of end users, they are sometimes knows as productivity packages.Other examples include Web browsers, electronic mail, ang groupware, which help support communication and collaboration among workgroups and teams.

eg. Microsoft Words-suitable for all users. Students, office worker, teachers are use it to type report, draw graph and make table.

Function-specific application software packages are available to support specific applications of end users in business and other fields. For example, business application software supports the reengineering and automation of business processes with strategic e-business applications like customer relationship management, enterprise resourse planning, and supply chain management. Other examples are software packages that Web-enable electronic commerce applications, or in the functional areas of business like human resource management and accounting and finance. Still other software empowers managers and business professionals with decision support tools like data mining, enterprise information portals, or knowledge management systems.

eg. animation software- animation director use it to make animation.

UBS- accountant use it to do account of company.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Microcomputers are one kind of computer systems and it is normally use by businesspeople and consumers. It is also called a personal computer or PC. Microcomputer become the powerful networked professional workstations for the business professionals because the computing power of microcomputer now exceeds that of the mainframes of previous generations and the price is more cheaper compare to the other computer system. The design of microcomputer have a lot of choices and it can fulfill different need of consumers. Some microcomputer are powerful workstation computers that supports have mathematical computer and graphics display demands such as computer-aided design (CAD) in engineering. Other microcomputers are used as network servers which are more powerful than workstation computers and that coordinate telecommunications and resource sharing in small local area networks (LANs) and in Internet or intranet websites. Hand-held microcomputer device known as personal digital assistants (PDAs) which is a small computers that can put inside the pocket. Web-enables PDAs use touch screens, handwriting recognition, or keypads and it can the mobile workers use to send and receive the e-mail, access the Web, and exchange of the latest entrants to PDA technology is the BlackBerry.


Midrange systems are primarily high-end network servers and other types of servers that can handle large-scale processing of many business applications. Although midrange systems are less powerful than the mainframe computers but they are cheaper to buy, operate, and maintain than mainframe computers. So meet the computing needs of many organizations. Midrange systems are normally use to manage the large internet website, corporate intranets and extranets, and other networks. Thus, it become as powerful netrwork servers. Internet and other application are popular high-end server, such as intergrated enterprisewide manufacturing, distribution, and financial applications. Midrange systems are also used as front-end servers to help mainframe computers in telecommunications processing and network management.


Mainframe systems are large, fast, and more powerful computer systems because its have the large primary storage capacities and it also can handle the information processing needs of major corporations and government agencies with high transaction processing volimes and complex computational problems. Mainframe computers are widely used as superservers for the large client or server networks and high-volume Internet websites of the large companies. Mainframe computers are becoming a popular computing platform for data mining and warehousing, and electronic commerce applications.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Setting up the blog

Group's individual member self introduction:

My name is Jackey Chiong Sze Yu.

Most of my friends called me Jackey.

I’m born from the historical city of country Malacca.

Currently study in UTAR Kampar taking Bachelor of Business Administration in year 1 semester 3.

My hobbies are playing computer and online internet.

The top 5 websites that I visited the most are MSN (, Facebook(, Yahoo mail (, YouTube ( and Google(

In fact, MSN is the most popular instant messaging service in the whole world. Although using MSN is pretty cool cause I can chat with my friends by internet about anything I want and usually no one is checking on what I say. MSN also has its own webpage that mean not only about chatting, there is a health and fitness page health and fitness page that has cool fitness tips and health stuff, a shopping MSN page where I can know the latest places to shop, there is a shop online service, links to websites of the coolest shops, etc., a news page where I can get the latest info on current events, services, and things like that.

Since Facebook is popular with the younger masses due to similar interests and habits, it is also opens a door for connecting student organizations and ideas. Organizations can post on their walls updates regarding upcoming events and gatherings. And even though there is an increase in the accessibility of online communities like Facebook, there are supporters who still insist that the service offer more alternatives in terms of communication modes therefore allowing announcements of different capabilities and functions which will remain dominant.

Yahoo! Mail makes it easy to add new connections. New incoming email messages from your connections and other contacts appear right on your mail home page. I can also filter the messages in my inbox or any other folder to see just those from my connections or from my contacts. Updates from my connections and people that I’ve invited to share updates also display right on the Mail home page.

YouTube has been a revolutionary invention in promoting your message through videos. It has been a one of its kind of digital communication tool to facilitate message reach to all audience in a more absolute manner. I can find almost every video that I’m looking for on YouTube from science and history to astronomy. It creates most popular video sharing site, more chance of finding the video that I want to watch.

Google aims to provide the most effective advertising available for businesses of any size. It pledges to help meet for customer acquisition needs by enabling to reach people looking for their product or service and fully control their ad budget. It is also easy to create and edit the ads and see the ads on Google within minutes of creating them.

Hi, I am Cheng Li Na or you can call me Lina!

I'm the youngest in my family.Penang is my hometown and you're welcome to visit Penang which famous with delicios foods such as laksa, “char kuai tiao”(fried noodles),seafoods and so on.Besides that, Penang have many interesting places such as beaches, kek lok shi(Buddha temple), toy city and so forth.Now, I'm taking Bachelor of Business Administration in Utar at Kampar,Perak. Doing art and kraft, listening music, watching drama , playing badminton and gossiping are my hobbies. Facebook is my daily-suft website. In Facebook, I makes many friends, meet my old friends and always keep in touch with my friends. It is the main connection between friends and me.Then, Facebook ( can let me relax by playing mini games inside such as Cafe World, Restaurant city and others.Utar website ( is very important for me. I gets all the notes,tutorial question,news and announcement from there. Hotmail can let me check mail and get information. In weekends, I download movies, drama and entertainment by using PPS while I download songs from KOOWOO. I also likes to online shopping. Buy clothes (, (, and buy accessories (

My name is Tee Teck Vee. I come from Seremban. I am taking Bachelor of Business Administration at University Tunku Abdul Rahman, now is year 1 semester 3 student. My hobbies are playing basketball, badminton, bowling and online games. The top 5 website that I visited the most are,, ,, and . I visit because I want to check my mail. Then the reason I visit are because I can chat with my friends and play some mini games which is given by facebook. Why I is because I want to download my favourate movies and songs. I visit because I can download the notes and obtain the new information from UTAR. I visit because serembantalk is my hometown forum, so I can share my experience and image with my friends.

My name is Tan Yunn Houng, a student of UTAR pursuing Bachelor of Business Administration. My hobbies are listening music, reading newspaper, playing badminton, and surfing on internet. My top 5 website I visited the most are,,,, and I visited the most because I like to stay connected with my friends and keep updated by their previously status updated, photo sharing and instant messaging system while online. I visited because I have to check my email regularly to contact with my friends who studying at oversea in a cheaper and convenient way. I visited to be updated to the latest and breaking news as Sin chew newspaper is the most reliable newspaper company in our country. I like to search information of my assignment and regular question by using instead of using Yahoo and Msn search. This is because the design of Google is simpler and it is fast, complete and full coverage. I visited to write my personal diary as part of my student life. I can link with my friends who are studying oversea and share our student life through photo, words and video. My top 5 internet activities are writing email to my friends and families, chatting with my friends, uploading my photo of travelling scenery, reading the breaking news from well-known media like CNN, BBC and Malaysia Today. I also download my lecture and tutorial note from our university website and comment in forum.

My name is Chan Yong Jiang, I am twenty first this year. I come from Teluk Intan, a small town in lower Perak state. I entered UTAR in the year 2009 and now I am a year one semester three student. I am an Entrepreneurship student from FBF. My hobby is playing basketball and hanging out with my friends.

The top 5 website I visit the most are, Facebook (, Wikipedia (, youtube (, ebay ( and Sin Chew online newspaper ( Nowadys, Facebook is the hottest website in the world, I believe that every one of us have own an account on facebook, and it can communicate us between our friends through online. We can make more friends through Facebook, and also can get some information from it.
The other website I visit the most is wikipedia, it is because I can get many information from it with different language, and also can learn grammar and vocabulary from there to improve my english. Wikipedia contain a lot of information such as information about daily life, information about science, education, politic, cultural and etc. Youtube is one of the most famous video sharing website which users can upload and share video. I spend most of the time on youtube searching for some entertaintment video clips and music video when I’m free. The next website I visit the most is the Ebay website. Ebay is an online auction and shopping website which most of the people can sale or buy goods and services worldwide. I will look for something that I interested through the Ebay website, because it is easy to search and got many choices on it. Besides, I also can earn some pocket money by selling goods that I no longer interested through this website. The last website I view the most is Sinchew online newspaper website. By reading newspaper online I no need to spend any money on buying newspaper, and I can get all the latest news or information about what is happening to the world now. It is one of the easy ways to get information and it helps me save money from buying newspaper every day.

The top 5 internet activities that I will do are chatting, downloading, reading, discussing and watching. I always chat with my friends through MSN. It is a easy way to communicate with friends or family members who stay at different places or country. Besides, it also provides video call, webcame. For example, when I’m chatting with my friends, we can see each other thru the webcame no matter how far we are. Downloading is one of the internet activities I will do. Most of the time, I will download the latest songs or movie from certain website. I also will search and downloading information when i am doing my assignment. Through downloading the information, I can save it in my computer and read it when I’m free. Besides, reading is also one of my internet activities. I will read the Sinchew online newspaper everyday to get know on what is happening to our world and our country. Besides, I also read some novel or story through certain website. Another internet activity is discussing through MSN. I will always discussing my homework or assignment together with my friends thru MSN, which we can discuss our things in a conversation window. Watching is one of my favorite internet activities, that I always spend my leisure time by online watching drama series, movie, cartoon, sports thru a software name PPS. It is a china website and it provides a lot of movie, drama, cartoon, news, sports to watch. These are the top 5 internet activities I will do.