Friday, February 19, 2010


General-purpose application software

-software suite

-web browsers

-electronic mail

-word processing


-database managers

-presentation graphics

-personal information managers


Application Software

Function-specific application software

-business-accounting, transaction processing,

customer relationship management,

enterprise resource planning,

electronic commerce, etc.

- Science and engineering

- Education, entertainment, etc.

Application software includes general-purpose and function-specific application categories.

General-purpose application programs perform common information processing jobs for end users. Examples are word processing, electronic spreadsheet, and presentation graphic programs are popular with users for home, education, business, scientific, and many other purposes.Because they significantly increase the productivity of end users, they are sometimes knows as productivity packages.Other examples include Web browsers, electronic mail, ang groupware, which help support communication and collaboration among workgroups and teams.

eg. Microsoft Words-suitable for all users. Students, office worker, teachers are use it to type report, draw graph and make table.

Function-specific application software packages are available to support specific applications of end users in business and other fields. For example, business application software supports the reengineering and automation of business processes with strategic e-business applications like customer relationship management, enterprise resourse planning, and supply chain management. Other examples are software packages that Web-enable electronic commerce applications, or in the functional areas of business like human resource management and accounting and finance. Still other software empowers managers and business professionals with decision support tools like data mining, enterprise information portals, or knowledge management systems.

eg. animation software- animation director use it to make animation.

UBS- accountant use it to do account of company.

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