Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Last time ago, traditional file is a traditional way storing data or information of an organization. In the traditional file processing approach that was used in business data processing many years, each business application was designed to use one or more specialized data files containing only specific types of data records. They keep all the hard copy in a file then allocate it based on category and keep it in the drawer. It needs a lot of human power, money, and time. For example, it wastes a lot of time to find out a file. This is also one of the reason why last time company cannot improve much and don’t have high performance in their work.

Using Tradisional File Processing System:

1) Data redundancy always occurs because the documentation done by different person.

2) It is difficult to detect the customer detail when the business becoming bigger.

3) Updating errors and occurs easily since all the paper work is done by human

4) Space of keeping the paper work becomes troublesome as it need a lot of place to keep the file.

5) Need to hire extra employee to keep track of the paper work.

6) Paper works are not environment friendly because it uses a lot of papers.

7) All the paper works are difficult to backup.

8) All data are not secure because they are keeping it manually, employee in the businerss can easily see the data, modify and even steal the customer’s data for crime purpose.

Database management systems are programs that are written to store, update, and search information from a database.Data warehouses are designed to store data that have been extracted from the various operational,external,and other databases of an organization. It is a central source of the data that have been cleaned,transformed,and cataloged so they can be used by managers and other business professionals for data mining,online analytical processing,and other forms of business analysis,market research,and decision support.

Database system is the way to solve the problem faced in traditional file processing;-

1) Reduced data redundancy, the database system will automatic detect the data that had been key in order to reduce data redundancy happened.

2) Customer’s detail becomes easy to track with the search function provide by the database system.

3) Reduced updating errors and increased consistency, by using database system, updating errors will be easily reduced and in another hand increased consistency.

4) Space of storing the documentation becomes smaller using database system. All the documentations are digitalized and store in a hard disk.

5) Using database system, the management of the restaurant does not need to hire extra staff to keep track of the restaurant’s documentation.

6) Database system can standardized the format of the report easily. Each department can generate the same format report for the executive staff to view.

7) Improved data security because the database system need certain password to access the restaurant database. It can just view by authorities people.

8) Besides, using database system can also reduced data entry, storage, and retrieval costs in the company.

9) The database can be used simultaneously by a number of users. Various users can retrieve the same data simultaneously. The data in the database can also be modified, based on the privileges assigned to users.

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