Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Microcomputers are one kind of computer systems and it is normally use by businesspeople and consumers. It is also called a personal computer or PC. Microcomputer become the powerful networked professional workstations for the business professionals because the computing power of microcomputer now exceeds that of the mainframes of previous generations and the price is more cheaper compare to the other computer system. The design of microcomputer have a lot of choices and it can fulfill different need of consumers. Some microcomputer are powerful workstation computers that supports have mathematical computer and graphics display demands such as computer-aided design (CAD) in engineering. Other microcomputers are used as network servers which are more powerful than workstation computers and that coordinate telecommunications and resource sharing in small local area networks (LANs) and in Internet or intranet websites. Hand-held microcomputer device known as personal digital assistants (PDAs) which is a small computers that can put inside the pocket. Web-enables PDAs use touch screens, handwriting recognition, or keypads and it can the mobile workers use to send and receive the e-mail, access the Web, and exchange of the latest entrants to PDA technology is the BlackBerry.


Midrange systems are primarily high-end network servers and other types of servers that can handle large-scale processing of many business applications. Although midrange systems are less powerful than the mainframe computers but they are cheaper to buy, operate, and maintain than mainframe computers. So meet the computing needs of many organizations. Midrange systems are normally use to manage the large internet website, corporate intranets and extranets, and other networks. Thus, it become as powerful netrwork servers. Internet and other application are popular high-end server, such as intergrated enterprisewide manufacturing, distribution, and financial applications. Midrange systems are also used as front-end servers to help mainframe computers in telecommunications processing and network management.


Mainframe systems are large, fast, and more powerful computer systems because its have the large primary storage capacities and it also can handle the information processing needs of major corporations and government agencies with high transaction processing volimes and complex computational problems. Mainframe computers are widely used as superservers for the large client or server networks and high-volume Internet websites of the large companies. Mainframe computers are becoming a popular computing platform for data mining and warehousing, and electronic commerce applications.

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